Jamestown cabins inside the fort.

The students love these two books about life in Jamestown.  The books are in diary format

and the children really enjoy reading them after they have written their own diaries.

INDEPENDENT READING BOOKS --- followup after having worked the Webquest

          Our Strange New Land - Elizabeth's Jamestown Colony Diary -- Patricia Hermes

          The Starving Time - Elizabeth's Jamestown Colony Diary -- Patricia Hermes

A followup activity after either of these books that the children enjoy is having them write

diary entries beginning 5 years or have some groups do 10 years after the last entry in the

book.  The children then can think about how Elizabeth's life might have changed ---- did

they think that she was still living in Jamestown?  How had her family changed?  Was she

still living with her family?  Had she met any new people?

It's a wonderful vehicle to pull together things that the students know and they can find out

about the time period moving into colonial America.  Having the children read their diaries to

the class also makes a great oral presentation.  The children enjoy hearing about how

everyone elses Elizabeth has different adventures and outcomes in her life after

Jamestown.  It can be done successfully as individuals or in pairs. 

   ****   Pictures are from Google Images
   ****   Rubric updated from " A Voyage Back in Time - chalk.richmond.edu."

                    Intro         Task          Process          Evaluation          Conclusion          Teacher Page